Sunday, 4 March 2012

Oh What Luck!!!

I have always heard it is better to be lucky than rich, and more and more I believe it is true. I am an avid youtube viewer. When I say avid I mean I don't go to work until I check for new videos. So you can say I am a bit obssessed . I mean between yt and twitter you feel so like everyone is your buddy  and you can chat away with people who love the same makeup I love and feel just how I feel.

Giveaways on yt happen all the time and I usually watch the  giveaway vids and seldomly enter. I always feel like " Whatever, there is no way I can win."  So I can count on one hand how many  I have entered.
Somehow I decided to enter the Gossmakeupartist January giveway.  After many "I want to win Makeup" I watched the goss winner video and nearly fainted at my iPad. When he said the winner is Moccatreat. I played the video for everyone to make sure I had heard him correctly.

You have to understand why I was so excited. It is not just the products but that of all the people in the world who entered and 236,242 yt followers I WON!! Insert Happy dance here.

Let's not forget the star factor. Watching people on yt is just like tv and honestly they are MUA superstars to me. When you see them in public you want to whip out your phone and post on your fb page ASAP.

I have watched Wayne Goss's videos forever but what I love most are his shortest, most concise  and honest reviews. When you subscribe and you see a video that's only 2 minutes ...WATCH IT!! I mean I dont have time to sit through 20 mins of footage before I get to the hot stuff. So he hits the spot for me everytime.

So let me get to the HOT STUFF . This is what I won from THE Wayne Goss aka gossmakeupartist. SUBSCRIBE people SUBSCRIBE!
 Goss's Informative Channel
Wayne Goss MUA

My Prizes

First the MAC Dazzlesphere

As my luck would have it I bought this dasslesphere over the holidays and it the one I use the most so it is almost got ...Now I have a new one . What Luck!

My First Bobbi Brown palette and my favourite of the lot. 

 Bobbi Brown Black Ruby Sparkle Eye Palette. How Pretty!!
A Sleek Case

Also My First Dior Palette

Dior 5 Coleurs in 030. When I saw this I though immediately of one of my friends and return clients Regina who loves these subtle tones.

Also and most shockingly, my first Sugar Pill palette in Sweet Heart. I know Sugar Pill has been a favourite for a while but after my IMATS shopping spree I had nothing left when I got to the Sugar Pill booth . So I was happy to get this one !

I am thrilled with everything.I received everything in great condition and super fast. Thanks to Goss I have a collection of fabulous items I am sure to love using.

If you have only been watching youtube for dancing babies and Machel videos,  you are missing out. There is so much to learn and so many people to connect with.  Start Subscribing!